Be the resistance

We are building a decentralized, community focused and locally accountable media and entertainment network, with global scalability, to resist the ever increasing levels of censorship and information control.

Our project will harness the power of Artificial Intelligence for the protection, benefit, and prosperity of all humanity.

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The Decentralized Media Project plus AI.

Our project will build the digital infrastructure for the creation of a global community focused media and entertainment network, governed by consensus of local communities, rather than billionaire globalist owners.

We aim to be in a constant state of growth, adding community after community to our network. Real world utility for our token giving a value tied to growth as well as speculation.

As we build our media and entertainment network, we can use AI to help protect freedoms, human rights and to create strategies to deliver wide spread prosperity, peace and happiness to our populations?

As our network grows and our business prospers we can work to develop our own AI. An AI project to be controlled by, and for the benefit of our communities. Isn't this what AI should be? Will you join a project to use AI in the best interests of all people? Or will you leave it so only the billionaires and soulless mega corporations control it's power?

People who believe in the power and freedom of crypto and who's interests lie on the cutting edge of emerging technologies, can achieve great things.

With the unlimited potential of a bullrun fast approaching, this project offers a great opportunity to secure future profits, while at the same time supporting the creation of a media and entertainment network run for, and accountable to, our local communities, rather than billionaire globalist owners and soulless mega corporations.

Give the power of news and information back to our local communities and help to protect all people from the globalist effort to censor and centralise news and information, and to control what you see, hear and read.

Did you think this project was only about bringing decentralized news and information to our communities?

No, it will be so much more.

Imagine adding our own entertainment section to our network? Where small content creators all over the world choose to use our network because it gives them the additional option of engaging directly with their local community businesses and supporters for funding.

Imagine adding community market places to our network?

Imagine adding a social hub to our network?

Imagine adding a travel and tourism portal to our network?

Imagine all of this and more, seamlessly integrated into our network infrastructure.

Imagine all of this, using our $DECM token.

With a simple decision to get in on this opportunity, you can be the resistance. You can resist the globalist media monopoly, and ensure that our communities have access to narrative free media and real information, while giving yourself the opportunity to benefit by getting into our project early.

Will you take this opportunity to join us?

Will you be the resistance?

NEW. This project has secured domain names for our network and sub-sites / community sites. You can now visit our network landing page and experience how our community media and entertainment sites might look and work for Our Community Media and Entertainment Network by following the link button below, or typing into your browser. = Our Community Media and Entertainment Network. A part of the Decentralized Media Project.

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